Baby Tips RSS

Can a Formula Cause Baby Allergy?

Question of the Day:
I gave formula milk to my 5-month-old baby. Until then, I was only breastfeeding. However, hives appeared on the body of my infant who drank the formula. It looks like an allergic reaction...Can formula also cause hives?

Beginner Parenting Helps to Stay Sane!
There are many different parenting books and parenting methods in the world. When you read various materials for better parenting, you may sometimes feel like you’re getting lost in a crazily complicated maze. There’s a lot you need to know...
Basic Guidelines for Baby Sleep Education
1. After sleeping, wake up your child and breastfeed. The key to 'sleep education' is to set an established routine. If you raise children without considering the order in which you do things, your child's natural daily schedule tends to...
When and How to Start Baby Food?
Start baby food is the question that many new moms are not able to answer. Which baby food should be given? How much of it? When do we begin introducing different types of food? This article will help you with these questions.
6 Practical Ways of Mastitis Prevention According to Experts
Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. When the milk that the baby has not eaten is stagnant in the breast, bacteria invade and multiply in the stagnant milk. It is for this reason that direct breastfeeding is recommended in the early stages to avoid mastitis symptoms becoming severe. Here are some tips to prevent mastitis.
6 Parenting Tips for 4-5 Months Old Babies
A new baby is a great and wonderful experience. But it is equally challenging to be a new parent. This article gives you great parenting tips.
Parenting Advice: 5 Misconceptions About Children
Babies and children may look weak. But there are also facts that adults don't know about our babies. These are 5 common misconceptions that adults have about children.
Baby Development from 3 to 6 Months
From 3 to 6 months of age, how does your baby develop? We have compiled a list of things that your child will learn to do during this time!
4 Parenting Tips for a Mild-tempered Child

Temperament refers to an individual's behavioural patterns and emotional response patterns. Simply put, it means that there are individual differences in personality among children.

Even when raising two children under the same circumstances and using the same parenting method, some children should be approached gently, while with others you can be a bit more involved. These differences may be due to the child's temperament.

Baby Care Guide: My 4-month-old Child Can't Control His Neck?
What were the things you were most curious about while raising a baby before they were born? You might often wonder how to tell if the development of their large muscles is progressing well, as children need 'time to learn...
3 Parenting Tips for Babies 4-6 Months Old
Today, we’ve prepared 3 parenting tips that parents raising 4-6 months old babies should know. Let’s take a look at them! 1. Start to wean your child onto baby food! Weaning begins when the child is around 4-6 months of...
Baby Care: 7 Tips for Parenting from Birth to 6 Months
From birth to 6 months, you’ll notice your child is growing quickly! The time will fly. So today, we have collected 7 parenting tips that you should know about raising children during this time. 1. Most of their day is...
Best Sleep Education Tips For Babies 6-8 Weeks Old
Question of the day: I heard that sleep education can start from 6 weeks of age. Is education possible for such a young child? How can you start sleep education for your 6-8 week old baby? When they hear the...
Baby-proofing: 12 Tips To Make Your Home Safe For A Baby
Babyproofing a house is something expectant parents need to consider before the arrival of their baby. It is advised that this will be done at least three months before the baby is out as some tips might require time before they’re completed. Parents can never be too careful when it comes to their baby’s safety.
Baby Sleep Training: 6 Basic Strategies For Better Night's Rest
  There is a lot of information out there about baby sleep training. From the best position for newborns to start their sleep education, to the position that babies naturally find when developing their own sleep patterns, it can be...
Swaddling a Baby 101: Helpful Tips On How To Wrap Your Little One
Importance of Swaddling a Baby If you're late to the parenting game, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to swaddling a baby and the issues it can solve.When babies are born, they feel...
The Infant Colic Prevention Guide To Get Your Little One To Sleep
Infantile colic, also known as 'newborn colic', is a condition that may be affecting your baby. It is characterised by paroxysmal crying and sometimes vomiting. This is a phenomenon in which a 2 to 3-month-old baby suddenly cries loudly even...
4 Thoughts About Parenting I Wish Someone Had Shared With Me Years Ago
  Just as children have areas to learn as they grow up, there are mental skills that parents need to learn as their children grow up too. Today, I'm going to introduce you to the mental skills that adult guardians...
Baby Sleep Training: A Guide For The 4 Month Sleep Regression
What is the 4-month sleep regression? As a parent, you know that baby milestones are exciting, but they can also come with their own set of challenges. One of the most challenging is the 4-month sleep regression. You've probably heard...
The 5 Best Tips When Your Baby Is Having A Hard Time Breastfeeding
Question of the Day My baby suddenly and frequently wants breast milk. I think my baby has already eaten enough, but they’re still irritable, looking for my chest, and pursing milk with their mouth. But if I continue to breastfeed,...
Baby Care: What to Expect During the Second Month
  After they are 60 days old, our babies now move out of the newborn stage. What’s your baby's development like at 2 months old? Today, we are going to talk about baby care and the development of a two-month-old...